All posts by Kert Davies

America First Energy Conference

America First Energy Conference Stacked With Climate Change Deniers

On November 9th, the climate change denying Heartland Institute is holding an energy conference in Houston to applaud the Trump Administration’s repeal of environmental protections and clean energy policy. According to its website, the conference

Red Team Heartland

Heartland Institute’s Climate Red Team Lists Revealed

The Heartland Institute is frustrated that their yearlong campaign to create a ‘Red Team-Blue Team’ debate on climate has failed.  Leaked internal email reveals their anxiety and desperation that the Trump team isn’t doing enough to kill

Exxon Education Foundation 1997 report containing grant to Competitive Enterprise Institute for "Climate Change Program"

Washington Post: Exxon, Koch, and Big Coal Cash Begat Trump Climate Denial

Q: What does spending tens of millions of dollars supporting climate denial organizations over a twenty year period buy you? A: Donald Trump, abdication of U.S. leadership on climate and increased risk of damage from

Hurricane Harvey, Climate Change

Hurricane Harvey, Climate Denial, Fake News and ExxonMobil

For well over twenty years, climate deniers have tried to stymie discussion of extreme weather events and climate change. Why? Because extreme weather kills people, destroys property, trashes things and costs billions of dollars.  And

Steve Milloy climate denier’s ExxonMobil shareholder proposal goes down in flames

Steve Milloy’s decades long war on climate change science and policy continued today at the ExxonMobil Annual General Meeting for shareholders. There Milloy forwarded shareholder proposal on “Nuisance Shareholders” with an attack on environmentalists, shareholder activists

Who is Paying For Heartland Institute Climate Denial-Palooza?

This week the Heartland Institute will be gathering their small island of misfit toys in Washington, DC for another of their tedious climate Denial-Palooza events.  We have followed these events going back to 2008. Heartland

Climate Change, Climate Files

Top Ten Documents Every Reporter Covering ExxonMobil Should Know

If you are a reporter covering ExxonMobil and the unfolding #ExxonKnew investigations underway in several states, the story can get very complex.  Exxon is claiming it did nothing wrong.  Exxon’s paid accomplices are martyring themselves

Competitive Enterprise Institute NYT Ad Signatories Got $10 Million from Exxon

This week, the Competitive Enterprise Institute ran a full page ad in the New York Times complaining that the undersigned groups were being attacked in the course of several state investigations into Exxon’s campaign of

DCI Group Subpoenaed on Exxon Climate Denial Fraud Case

Now this is getting interesting… PRWatch just revealed that DCI Group was subpoenaed by the US Virgin Islands as part of the ExxonMobil fraud investigation. This Climate Investigations post contains some things we know about

Climate Hustler Marc Morano Hustles Climate in New Climate Hustle Film

Authored by Kevin Grandia Might I humbly suggest we embrace right-wing spindoctor turned corporate think tanker Marc Morano’s latest project Climate Hustle as a welcome escape from reality? It could be the start a whole new