Political topics related to climate change, the environment, or energy issues.
Category: Politics

INVESTIGATION: Corporate Polluters Inside US Delegation at UN Negotiations Over Fifty Years Ago
The history of the United States’ involvement in global environmental agreements is a checkered one to say the least. With this project we seek to draw back the curtain and uncover the history of corporate …

New York Times on Exxon, Russian sanctions and the role of oil and gas in Putin’s war on Ukraine
An investigation published on March 24 in the Business Section of the New York Times by Hiroko Tabuchi tells the long history of Exxon/ExxonMobil fighting US sanctions against the USSR and Russia – going back …

Global Climate Information Project ClimateFacts.org 1997 TV Ads
Success! Just recovered some 23 year old TV ads via my old friend Eric Gravley of PlanetVox. Way back in the late 1990s, early 2000s, before YouTube, before digital media, DVRs, “on demand” and all …

Global Climate Coalition: Climate Denial Legacy Follows Corporations
As corporations are increasingly being held accountable for deception of shareholders and the public on climate risk, as authors and journalists explore this history, and as lawmakers investigate it, Climate Investigations Center embarked on a …

CIC’s Trade Associations PR Investigation in the Media
In early March 2019, the Climate Investigations Center (CIC) launched its Trade Associations and the Public Relations Industry report, which revealed the almost $1.4 billion energy and business trade associations spent over the past decade …

Investigation: Trump Climate Denial Committee
The Washington Post broke the story that the White House plans to “create an ad hoc group of select federal scientists to reassess the government’s analysis of climate science and counter conclusions that the continued …

Carbon Capture: Expensive Pipe Dream or “Holy Grail”?
Today, carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) technology is touted by proponents as a way to continue burning fossil fuels in a carbon constrained economy. However, two recent reports bring into question the feasibility of CCS …

A Green New Deal Means More Familiar Jobs in Every City and State
The Green New Deal has created an unprecedented buzz about climate solutions and policy in Washington, DC and beyond. Enemies are amassing to kill it before it’s crawled out of the cradle, slinging more hyperbolic …

On 60 Minutes Trump Says: “I’m not denying climate change”
(Updated to include AP interview, Oct 18, 2018) Climate change is coming at Trump even as he tries like hell to avoid the subject. Record setting hurricanes, Florence and Michael, have caused devastation across the …