Results for: heartland institute

Red Team Heartland

Heartland Institute’s Climate Red Team Lists Revealed

The Heartland Institute is frustrated that their yearlong campaign to create a ‘Red Team-Blue Team’ debate on climate has failed.  Leaked internal email reveals their anxiety and desperation that the Trump team isn’t doing enough to kill


The Heartland Institute

Background The Heartland Institute is a free market think tank at the forefront of denying manmade climate change. Joseph Bast was the director and CEO of the institute from it’s inception in 1984 until 2017.

Who is Paying For Heartland Institute Climate Denial-Palooza?

This week the Heartland Institute will be gathering their small island of misfit toys in Washington, DC for another of their tedious climate Denial-Palooza events.  We have followed these events going back to 2008. Heartland

Heartland Institute Attacks Pope Francis: Calling climate action “paganism”

  At a press conference in Philadelphia last week, the climate denier group the Heartland Institute denounced Pope Francis’s call for urgent action on global warming, accused the pontiff of “left wing” politics and said

This is Your Planet on Heartland Institute Drugs

Jay Lehr, one of Heartland Institute’s looser cannons, and there are a lot of loose cannons on this reckless pirate ship… Lehr laid out his vision for stopping “global warming insanity” at today’s Heartland Institute

CIC Briefing: Craig Idso Heartland Institute NIPCC Climate Denial

Background briefing, April 2014 Craig Idso: “Climate change is good for you” This week the Heartland Institute will release another chapter of its NIPCC, the “not the IPCC” document that will tell you the opposite

Competitive Enterprise Institute NYT Ad Signatories Got $10 Million from Exxon

This week, the Competitive Enterprise Institute ran a full page ad in the New York Times complaining that the undersigned groups were being attacked in the course of several state investigations into Exxon’s campaign of

Are Climate Deniers Retreating or Doubling Down? Heartland and ALEC can’t decide

Are climate deniers in retreat? We think not. But Heartland and ALEC seem to be speaking from both sides of their mouths the days.  Flip flopping for sure. This week has seen a bizarre collection of


Letter Urging McCarthy to Kill House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis: A Who’s Who on the Wrong Side of History

A group of mostly Libertarian, free market, anti-government, anti-regulatory, anti-tax organizations, sent a letter to Representative Kevin McCarthy asking that he disband the Select Committee on the Climate Crisis if Republicans take over the House


American Public Gas Association

APGA represents publicly owned gas utilities and is a prominent voice against electrification. It’s funding is mostly derived from membership dues from municipalities, which means customers of city-owned gas utilities fund the bulk of APGAs efforts