Results for: "global climate coalition"

Oil, Utilities, and Coal at Helm of GCC and its Denial Committee, STAC
Throughout the GCC’s existence, the industries with the most to lose in a carbon-constrained future were ringleaders in the GCC and central in informing their denial and delay strategy. From GCC’s founding until it was …

History from Climate Files Follows Industry
Documents from Climate Investigations Center’s Climate Files archival portal continue to inform the discussion regarding culpability for the climate crisis. Most recently, in County of San Mateo v. Chevron Corp., et al., eight amicus briefs …

The Climate Change Countermovement: Brown University Report and Panel
Earlier this month, CIC’s Kert Davies was an invited speaker at a collaborative conference held at Brown University on the economic impacts of climate change and the opposition to policy advances. The day long event, …

Drilled: The Climate Crime of the Century
A newly released podcast, Drilled, “investigates the crime of the century — the creation of climate denial.” The eight part series takes listeners back in time to the inception of climate change denial. It tells …

Climate Files Update: Decades of Denial
CIC has recently published twenty-five hard to find documents to our Climate Files portal. The documents added to our collections feature entities who have perpetuated climate denial for decades, including: The Western Fuels Association, a …

Patrick Michaels’ 30 Years of Climate Denial
I. Michaels Cancels on Fossil Fuel Impact Investigation On September 28, 2018, the Commission on Human Rights of the Philippines was scheduled to hear Patrick Michaels in their ongoing investigation into carbon majors’ contributions to …

Climate Lawsuits in Baltimore and Rhode Island & New Climate Files Documents
Since Climate Investigation Center’s last climate liability update there have been multiple developments, some favorable to plaintiffs, others less so. As the legal battles progress, CIC continues to uncover and curate primary documents on its Climate …

Climate Lawsuits: Depose Lee Raymond and Rex Tillerson
As we have been saying…lots of climate lawsuits are landing in State and Federal courts nationwide. As these suits move forward, there is a short list of people who ought to be deposed first. Former …