All things related to climate change denial including topics such as science, technology, politics, money, energy, and more.
Category: Climate Change Denial

Edelman Shuns Coal and Climate Denial – The year in review
Aug 2014 – The original CIC PR Industry Climate Change Survey Aug 4, 2014 Guardian story – World’s Top PR Companies Rule Out Working With Climate Deniers Aug 5, 2014 CIC blog – PR Industry Climate Change Survey Aug …

National Black Chamber of Commerce: Fossil Funders Revealed
The National Black Chamber of Commerce has been among more meddlesome corporate climate change solutions blockers for the past two decades. They are under increasing pressure these days. The organization is small, basically Harry Alford …

Former Dept. of Justice Official Says Exxon News Worsens Liability Picture
The former Department of Justice lawyer who led the watershed lawsuit against tobacco companies, says that the news out today about oil giant ExxonMobil knowing as early as 1981 about the threat posed by climate …

Willie Soon: Conflicted Climate Science and Role of Science Journals
Media Update – coverage of the report below: Science Magazine – “Journals investigate climate skeptic author’s ties to fossil fuel firm as new allegations arise“, by David Malakoff Inside Climate News – “Willie Soon’s Fossil Fuel-Funded …

This is Your Planet on Heartland Institute Drugs
Jay Lehr, one of Heartland Institute’s looser cannons, and there are a lot of loose cannons on this reckless pirate ship… Lehr laid out his vision for stopping “global warming insanity” at today’s Heartland Institute …

The Anti-Environmental Archives launch on Earth Day 2015
To celebrate 2015 Earth Day, we have just released a huge, online, and searchable archive of documents on anti-environmental campaigns, individuals involved in these campaigns and the corporations that back them. The Anti-Environmental Archives, now …

Southern Company Dumps Climate Denier Willie Soon
The Washington Post broke the news yesterday that Southern Company confirmed it is dropping the contract with Dr. Willie Soon at Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. But not immediately…at the end of the current 2015 contract. …

BP Leaves ALEC, Shades of Global Climate Coalition Defections
In what could be a throwback to the 1990s, the National Journal just broke that British Petroleum (BP) has quit the American Legislative Exchange Council today, saying ALEC membership was not needed to pursue its interests. …

Willie Soon Scandal: Corporate Funding Year By Year
People keep asking how much Soon got from each of his corporate funders year by year, and why some places it says $1.2 million total and others $1.5M… The total funding since 2001 that we …