All posts by Kert Davies

Willie Soon Scandal: Topics for Smithsonian Inspector General

First, we have an idea for coming clean, a remedy…the illustrious Smithsonian Institution should sponsor free screenings nationwide of the upcoming theatrical film Merchants of Doubt, pay for school kids everywhere to go see it.

Willie Soon Harvard Smithsonian Documents Reveal Southern Company Scandal

All the Willie Soon documents are organized and attached below. This post will be updated as this investigation proceeds… Just wanted to get something up tonight…and since the stories were supposed to be embargoed for

Willie Soon Fails Conflict of Interest Test in Science Bulletin Article

Dr. Willie Soon, an astrophysicist, is an employee of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (which has little to do with Harvard except it’s location, but that’s another story…) Dr. Soon raises money for his research, like many

Big Oil Paid Edelman and FleishmanHillard Over $400 Million Since 2008

The Center for Public Integrity has just released a report compiling spending by industry trade associations on public relations over the past decade or so.  The report, titled Who needs lobbyists?  See what big business

Edelman fired by TransCanada After Leaked Energy East Plan

Edelman’s Statement is a little bit different from TransCanada’s… Edelman NewsWire press release Edelman and TransCanada agree to end collaboration on the Energy East Pipeline project TORONTO, Nov. 26, 2014 /CNW/ – Over the last week,

Leaked Documents: Secret Edelman PR Plan for TransCanada Pipeline Revealed

The gig is up…someone spilled the beans on Edelman’s work for Transcanada on the Energy East pipeline.  Documents leaked to Greenpeace and revealed today by the New York Times, Vice Motherboard, Huffington Post, Guardian and

Five Questions on Climate Change for Lisa Nelson, ALEC CEO

Five questions reporters might ask Lisa Nelson, ALEC CEO on climate change and energy: 1.  YOUR PERSONAL UNDERSTANDING OF CLIMATE SCIENCE? Ms. Nelson stated recently, “I don’t know the science” of climate change. Q: What

Edelman Submits New Answers to CIC Climate Change Quiz

Remember when you wished you could take that Chemistry 101 final again…not often you have a teacher willing to accept a do-over. Edelman took the opportunity to rewrite its answers to our April climate survey


WBEZ Interview: PR firm Edelman faces PR scandal

After the interview Tuesday on WBEZ Chicago (below), Edelman shifted slightly yesterday and published a “Position on Climate Change”, and while leaving lots of wiggle room, is being more declarative in its statements.  This may

PR Industry Climate Change Survey

“I don’t believe we are obligated in any way to respond. There are only wrong answers for this guy.”   That was the first response we got to our survey email, accidentally copied back to us