American Electric Power says “We don’t agree with or share every position” of ACCCE, yet remains a member of the coal lobby group
The Conesville Power Plant in Conesville, Ohio, is operated by American Electric Power and burns about 12,000 tons of coal a day. That’s enough coal to fill 120 box cars. ALLY MAROTTI / WOSU American …

The coal industry can’t decide: climate denial or subsidies for “clean coal”?
The New York Times yesterday reported on a presentation given to a coal industry conference last year titled “Survival is Victory: Lessons from the Tobacco Wars.” The presentation was prepared by Richard Reavey, a former …

Two (or three?) more companies confirm departure from coal lobby group ACCCE
Two more companies – and perhaps three – have confirmed their departure from the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity (ACCCE) this week, following the publication of our report detailing major companies’ departure from coal lobby …

Fanning and Moniz on Kemper: Nothing to See Here
It would be hard to find an image of a cozier relationship between a giant energy company and a regulator than the joint appearance in Philadelphia on July 28th by Southern Company’s Tom Fanning and U.S. …

Kemper Project’s Untested Equipment Means Southern Company Way Off On Schedule
Engineers who worked on Southern Company’s Kemper coal plant say the proposed start-up date of September 2016 is as unrealistic as previous dates given by the company and that the plant is unlikely to go …

Spiders defend their Web Of Denial – to the tune of at least $92m
As Democrat Senators spent their second day this week outlining the cash funneled to front groups in the fossil fuel-funded climate Web of Denial, predictably, some of the spiders started crawling out of that web. …

Why won’t Exxon publish its 2015 denial funding?
For some reason, ExxonMobil has delayed publishing its corporate giving report this year, well beyond the normal timing. Is the report undergoing new internal scrutiny due to the investigations launched by several states? Normally, by …

Top Ten Documents Every Reporter Covering ExxonMobil Should Know
If you are a reporter covering ExxonMobil and the unfolding #ExxonKnew investigations underway in several states, the story can get very complex. Exxon is claiming it did nothing wrong. Exxon’s paid accomplices are martyring themselves …