Thousands of Fossil Fuel “Observers” Attended Climate Negotiations – UNFCCC Data 2005-2018 COP1-COP24

The collection of Global Climate Coalition (GCC) documents we compiled and released by CIC this April reveal that the organization had a singular focus, slowing down or derailing the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change

Global Climate Coalition

Global Climate Coalition: Climate Denial Legacy Follows Corporations

As corporations are increasingly being held accountable for deception of shareholders and the public on climate risk, as authors and journalists explore this history, and as lawmakers investigate it, Climate Investigations Center embarked on a

cic pr trade association report summarization photo

CIC’s Trade Associations PR Investigation in the Media

In early March 2019, the Climate Investigations Center (CIC) launched its Trade Associations and the Public Relations Industry report, which revealed the almost $1.4 billion energy and business trade associations spent over the past decade

trade associations

Energy and Corporate Trade Associations Spend $1.4 Billion on PR Campaigns

How much money have the fossil fuel industry’s powerful trade association allies spent to convince the American public that its products are beneficial and necessary – and to stymie progress on climate change that could

climate files

History from Climate Files Follows Industry

Documents from Climate Investigations Center’s Climate Files archival portal continue to inform the discussion regarding culpability for the climate crisis. Most recently, in County of San Mateo v. Chevron Corp., et al., eight amicus briefs

William Happer

Investigation: Trump Climate Denial Committee

The Washington Post broke the story that the White House plans to “create an ad hoc group of select federal scientists to reassess the government’s analysis of climate science and counter conclusions that the continued

CCS Carbon Capture Storage

Carbon Capture: Expensive Pipe Dream or “Holy Grail”?

Today, carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) technology is touted by proponents as a way to continue burning fossil fuels in a carbon constrained economy.  However, two recent reports bring into question the feasibility of CCS

Kert Davies

The Climate Change Countermovement: Brown University Report and Panel

Earlier this month, CIC’s Kert Davies was an invited speaker at a collaborative conference held at Brown University on the economic impacts of climate change and the opposition to policy advances. The day long event,


A Green New Deal Means More Familiar Jobs in Every City and State

The Green New Deal has created an unprecedented buzz about climate solutions and policy in Washington, DC and beyond. Enemies are amassing to kill it before it’s crawled out of the cradle, slinging more hyperbolic


Climate Liability Lawsuits Keep Coming in 2019

With the impacts of climate change becoming more visible and more dire, the movement to hold corporations accountable is growing day by day. As readers know, we have been covering the climate liability lawsuits that