Energy Poverty and Coal “All Talk No Action” Australia Institute Report
Ahead of the G-20 meeting in Australia later this week, a new report by an Australian think-tank convincingly punctures coal industry claims that coal is an essential part of the solution to lack of access …

Five Questions on Climate Change for Lisa Nelson, ALEC CEO
Five questions reporters might ask Lisa Nelson, ALEC CEO on climate change and energy: 1. YOUR PERSONAL UNDERSTANDING OF CLIMATE SCIENCE? Ms. Nelson stated recently, “I don’t know the science” of climate change. Q: What …

Flacking Cancer, Flacking Coal – The Public Relations Industry, Tobacco and Climate Change
by Dan Zegart, author of Civil Warriors I remember when it was tobacco that desperately needed an emergency public relations rescue, the way fossil fuels do now. There are certain kinds of companies you don’t …

Edelman Submits New Answers to CIC Climate Change Quiz
Remember when you wished you could take that Chemistry 101 final again…not often you have a teacher willing to accept a do-over. Edelman took the opportunity to rewrite its answers to our April climate survey …

Not Walking the Walk: Obama’s BLM’s Funding Dirty Coal Exports, Propping Up World’s Worst Fuel
It’s been a crummy summer for the federal Bureau of Land Management. The bureau sells development leases to mining companies that want to scrape out coal deposits that lie under taxpayer-owned dirt on federal land. …

WBEZ Interview: PR firm Edelman faces PR scandal
After the interview Tuesday on WBEZ Chicago (below), Edelman shifted slightly yesterday and published a “Position on Climate Change”, and while leaving lots of wiggle room, is being more declarative in its statements. This may …

PR Industry Climate Change Survey
“I don’t believe we are obligated in any way to respond. There are only wrong answers for this guy.” That was the first response we got to our survey email, accidentally copied back to us …

Coal to World: Don’t Worry, We’ll Have A Position on Global Warming in a Few More Days
I got the idea for this inaugural column for Climate Investigations when the business publication SNL Financial queried a group of coal producers and other stakeholders for their positions on global warming. I hoped that in addition to the industry’s …

Department of Interior Opens Atlantic Coast to Oil Exploration, Politicians Open Wallets to Donations
The U.S. Department of Interior’s Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) announced on Friday, July 18, that it would begin considering applications for permits to conduct geological testing for oil-and-gas (O&G) reserves in federal waters …

Peabody Coal Campaign Uses Solar Supporter as Pitch Man
Huffington Post just rolled out an investigation, based on our research, revealing that the gentleman Peabody Coal and Burson Marsteller recruited as a spokesperson for their new Advanced Energy for Life campaign, pitching coal, has a day job …