All things related to climate change denial including topics such as science, technology, politics, money, energy, and more.
Category: Climate Change Denial

Hurricane Harvey, Climate Denial, Fake News and ExxonMobil
For well over twenty years, climate deniers have tried to stymie discussion of extreme weather events and climate change. Why? Because extreme weather kills people, destroys property, trashes things and costs billions of dollars. And …

NY Attorney General: Phony CO2 Accounting, Extensive Document Destruction by ExxonMobil
Former ExxonMobil CEO and now-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson personally approved a scheme for accounting for the financial impact of greenhouse gas emissions on the company’s business that deliberately misled investors, one that continued right …

Steve Milloy climate denier’s ExxonMobil shareholder proposal goes down in flames
Steve Milloy’s decades long war on climate change science and policy continued today at the ExxonMobil Annual General Meeting for shareholders. There Milloy forwarded shareholder proposal on “Nuisance Shareholders” with an attack on environmentalists, shareholder activists …

Manufacturers’ Group Attempts 11th Hour Escape from Kids’ Climate Lawsuit
In a last-minute legal maneuver, the National Association of Manufacturers is trying to extricate itself from a closely-watched federal climate lawsuit 18 months after it won a legal battle allowing it to intervene in the …

Who is Paying For Heartland Institute Climate Denial-Palooza?
This week the Heartland Institute will be gathering their small island of misfit toys in Washington, DC for another of their tedious climate Denial-Palooza events. We have followed these events going back to 2008. Heartland …

Climate Lawsuit Demands Rex Tillerson’s “Wayne Tracker” Emails
Petroleum industry knowledge of global warming in the Arctic, where ExxonMobil, shown here working on a massive drilling platform with Russian oil giant Rosneft near Sakhalin island, has long been a pioneer in oil exploration, …

Big Oil Stalls Questioning of ExxonMobil’s Tillerson in Climate Lawsuit
A maverick climate lawsuit few legal authorities thought would survive more than a few months came within two days of questioning the world’s most powerful oil executive under oath. But that prize remains tantalizingly out …

Rick Perry Faces Tepid Questioning in Energy Secretary Confirmation Hearing
A conciliatory Rick Perry cruised through a half-day Senate confirmation hearing today for secretary of the Department of Energy before a Senate committee in a performance that was long on warm words and vague promises …

The coal industry can’t decide: climate denial or subsidies for “clean coal”?
The New York Times yesterday reported on a presentation given to a coal industry conference last year titled “Survival is Victory: Lessons from the Tobacco Wars.” The presentation was prepared by Richard Reavey, a former …

Spiders defend their Web Of Denial – to the tune of at least $92m
As Democrat Senators spent their second day this week outlining the cash funneled to front groups in the fossil fuel-funded climate Web of Denial, predictably, some of the spiders started crawling out of that web. …