Tag: The CO2 Coalition

William Happer

Investigation: Trump Climate Denial Committee

The Washington Post broke the story that the White House plans to “create an ad hoc group of select federal scientists to reassess the government’s analysis of climate science and counter conclusions that the continued


Rebekah Mercer, Climate Denial Funder and the American Museum of Natural History

A year ago, few people had heard of millionaires Robert and Rebekah Mercer (except for Steve Bannon, who was being paid by them).  Their role as major Trump financial backers emerged after the election as

Trump, Climate Change

Exxon and Koch Funded Deniers Who Pushed Trump to Exit Paris Climate Agreement

The Money Behind Paris Agreement Opposition On May 8th, 2017, forty four climate denying “free market” anti-government organizations wrote a letter to President Trump urging him to pull the United States out of the Paris

Competitive Enterprise Institute NYT Ad Signatories Got $10 Million from Exxon

This week, the Competitive Enterprise Institute ran a full page ad in the New York Times complaining that the undersigned groups were being attacked in the course of several state investigations into Exxon’s campaign of