Tag: Carbon Capture and Sequestration

CCS CO2 Pipelines: A Triple 48 Inch Reality Check
I have been calling the carbon capture CO2 pipeline buildout plan a “publicly-funded sewer system for the fossil fuel industry” for some time. In fact it’s their only lifeline, and in the meantime it’s also …

NPR Satartia CO2 Pipeline Story – May 2023
Julia Simon of National Public Radio’s climate team published a marvelous story about the Satartia CO2 pipeline accident that aired on NPR’s All Things Considered. The piece drew from Dan Zegart’s 2021 reporting, including 911 …

CO2 Pipelines 2022: Reference Material
REPORTERS: for access to the full webinar tape, please email is at [email protected] Link to 2021 investigation on the Satartia, Mississippi CO2 pipeline accident: CO2 Pipelines and Carbon Capture: The Satartia Mississippi Accident Investigation CO2 …

Carbon Capture: Expensive Pipe Dream or “Holy Grail”?
Today, carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) technology is touted by proponents as a way to continue burning fossil fuels in a carbon constrained economy. However, two recent reports bring into question the feasibility of CCS …

CIC Demands Energy Chief Perry’s Travel Records– and Moniz’s with Southern CEO Fanning
In his October 12th congressional testimony about why he cost U.S. taxpayers some $56,000 for travel on non-commercial aircraft, Secretary of Energy Rick Perry suggested that his predecessor, Ernest Moniz, had done essentially the same …

Rick Perry Faces Tepid Questioning in Energy Secretary Confirmation Hearing
A conciliatory Rick Perry cruised through a half-day Senate confirmation hearing today for secretary of the Department of Energy before a Senate committee in a performance that was long on warm words and vague promises …

The coal industry can’t decide: climate denial or subsidies for “clean coal”?
The New York Times yesterday reported on a presentation given to a coal industry conference last year titled “Survival is Victory: Lessons from the Tobacco Wars.” The presentation was prepared by Richard Reavey, a former …

Fanning and Moniz on Kemper: Nothing to See Here
It would be hard to find an image of a cozier relationship between a giant energy company and a regulator than the joint appearance in Philadelphia on July 28th by Southern Company’s Tom Fanning and U.S. …

Kemper Project’s Untested Equipment Means Southern Company Way Off On Schedule
Engineers who worked on Southern Company’s Kemper coal plant say the proposed start-up date of September 2016 is as unrealistic as previous dates given by the company and that the plant is unlikely to go …