Results for: southern Company

Willie Soon Scandal: Topics for Smithsonian Inspector General

First, we have an idea for coming clean, a remedy…the illustrious Smithsonian Institution should sponsor free screenings nationwide of the upcoming theatrical film Merchants of Doubt, pay for school kids everywhere to go see it.

Willie Soon Fails Conflict of Interest Test in Science Bulletin Article

Dr. Willie Soon, an astrophysicist, is an employee of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (which has little to do with Harvard except it’s location, but that’s another story…) Dr. Soon raises money for his research, like many

Global Warming Power Plant Pollution Blankets the U.S. – EPA Clean Power Plan (VIDEO)

The Obama Administration EPA today issued a landmark proposal to cut global warming pollution from old coal power plants, dubbed the Clean Power Plan.    Operating under the authority EPA has under the Clean Air Act,

Peabody Coal & Burson-Marsteller Push “Clean Coal” Electricity to Save the Poor

Kate Sheppard at Huffington Post just posted a piece on our investigation of Peabody Coal’s new PR campaign. Here are some excerpts and additions from what we have learned so far about the Peabody campaign. World’s


2014 CPAC Climate Panel Stacked with Serial Deniers

Today at the 2014 Conservative Political Action Conference being held just outside Washington DC, there was a panel on climate whose speakers collectively have been Dealing in Doubt for probably 75 years.  The panel included Joe Bast

ALEC Hates the Climate

ALEC’s Long War on Climate Science and Climate Policy American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) has long attacked climate science and climate policy.  The most recent skirmish surrounds greenhouse gas rules being drafted by the EPA.

Global Climate Information Project 1997 TV Ads

Success! Just recovered some 23 year old TV ads via my old friend Eric Gravley of PlanetVox. Way back in the late 1990s, early 2000s, before YouTube, before digital media, DVRs, “on demand” and all


California Gas Industry Documents

California became ground zero in the electrification battle after Berkeley became the first city in the US to ban gas in new construction in July 2019. Southern California Gas Company, often referred to as SoCalGas,

Drilled: The Climate Crime of the Century

A newly released podcast, Drilled, “investigates the crime of the century — the creation of climate denial.” The eight part series takes listeners back in time to the inception of climate change denial. It tells

Anti-Environmental Archives

The Anti-Environmental Archives launch on Earth Day 2015

To celebrate 2015 Earth Day, we have just released a huge, online, and searchable archive of documents on anti-environmental campaigns, individuals involved in these campaigns and the corporations that back them. The Anti-Environmental Archives, now