A group of mostly Libertarian, free market, anti-government, anti-regulatory, anti-tax organizations, sent a letter to Representative Kevin McCarthy asking that he disband the Select Committee on the Climate Crisis if Republicans take over the House of Representatives. The Select Committee has produced several massive reports filled with recommendations on climate policy since being formed in 2019.
This is not really newsworthy at all, nor surprising this would be on the wish list of these organizations.
Many of the organizations have American in their names, so you know they are patriotic. Many have roots and ties to the Koch network and other corporate polluters so it makes sense. And many of the signatories are well known long haul climate deniers, who have tried to derail climate policy on the state, Federal and international level for the past 25 years. To these people, the Select Committee is terrifying and annoying, because it means the issue has gravity and momentum. So they will throw a party and pretend climate change will go away…a three monkeys approach?

For your reference, here is linked background material on the signatories on this letter:
Grover Norquist, President, Americans for Tax Reform
Paul S. Teller, Executive Director, Advancing American Freedom (*Mike Pence’s is Chairman of this organization)
Phil Kerpen, President, American Commitment
Tom Pyle, President, American Energy Alliance
Brent Wm. Gardner, Chief Govt. Affairs Officer, Americans for Prosperity
Myron Ebell, Director, Center for Energy and Environment, Competitive Enterprise Institute
Isaac Orr, Policy Fellow, Center for the American Experiment
David McIntosh, President, Club for Growth
Dr. Steven J. Allen, Vice Chairman, The Conservative Caucus
Craig Richardson, President, E&E Legal
Adam Brandon, President, FreedomWorks
James Taylor, President, The Heartland Institute
Garrett Bess, Vice President, Heritage Action for America
Heather R. Higgins, CEO, Independent Women’s Voice
Daniel Espemer, CEO, Pelican Institute for Public Policy
Donna Jackson, Director of Membership Development, Project 21 Black Leadership Network, The National Center for Public Policy Research
Derrick Hollie, President, Reaching America
Bette Grande, CEO, President, Roughrider Institute

The letter is very similar to the list of signatories on this 2020 letter asking Trump to kill CAFE fuel economy standards.
And similar to this May 2019 letter urging Congress to kill EV tax credits