Category: Trade Associations

Burning Questions: A history of the gas industry’s campaign to manufacture controversy over the health risks of gas stove emissions
Download the report here. Since the early 1970s, the gas industry has successfully employed Big Tobacco’s tactics to manufacture and magnify controversy over links between gas stove emissions and respiratory illness, obscuring science and undermining …

INVESTIGATION: Corporate Polluters Inside US Delegation at UN Negotiations Over Fifty Years Ago
The history of the United States’ involvement in global environmental agreements is a checkered one to say the least. With this project we seek to draw back the curtain and uncover the history of corporate …

PBS Frontline “The Power of Big Oil” Viewer’s Guide: Documents and Reference Material
This post includes some of the documents, advertisements and news clips that were featured in the three part documentary, “The Power of Big Oil,” aired April 2022. I have also included additional resources from our …

CIC’s Trade Associations PR Investigation in the Media
In early March 2019, the Climate Investigations Center (CIC) launched its Trade Associations and the Public Relations Industry report, which revealed the almost $1.4 billion energy and business trade associations spent over the past decade …