Category: Dark Money

Willie Soon Scandal: Markey, Whitehouse, Boxer Letter to 100 Companies, Industry Groups
The new Telsa (electric car) has an acceleration setting called INSANE MODE…literally. The car goes from 0 to 60mph in 3.2 seconds… That’s what three Senators just did to accelerate the Willie Soon scandal. …

Willie Soon Scandal: Topics for Smithsonian Inspector General
First, we have an idea for coming clean, a remedy…the illustrious Smithsonian Institution should sponsor free screenings nationwide of the upcoming theatrical film Merchants of Doubt, pay for school kids everywhere to go see it. …

Willie Soon Harvard Smithsonian Documents Reveal Southern Company Scandal
All the Willie Soon documents are organized and attached below. This post will be updated as this investigation proceeds… Just wanted to get something up tonight…and since the stories were supposed to be embargoed for …

Willie Soon Fails Conflict of Interest Test in Science Bulletin Article
Dr. Willie Soon, an astrophysicist, is an employee of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (which has little to do with Harvard except it’s location, but that’s another story…) Dr. Soon raises money for his research, like many …

Big Oil Paid Edelman and FleishmanHillard Over $400 Million Since 2008
The Center for Public Integrity has just released a report compiling spending by industry trade associations on public relations over the past decade or so. The report, titled Who needs lobbyists? See what big business …

2014 CPAC Climate Panel Stacked with Serial Deniers
Today at the 2014 Conservative Political Action Conference being held just outside Washington DC, there was a panel on climate whose speakers collectively have been Dealing in Doubt for probably 75 years. The panel included Joe Bast …

ALEC Hates the Climate
ALEC’s Long War on Climate Science and Climate Policy American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) has long attacked climate science and climate policy. The most recent skirmish surrounds greenhouse gas rules being drafted by the EPA. …