Tag: Peabody Energy

Strong Optics at Attorney General’s Climate Conclave but Weak on Details, Litigators
The announcement Tuesday that two more attorneys general are investigating whether ExxonMobil and other fossil fuel companies misled the public about the reality of global warming raised more questions than it answered – particularly as …

Peabody Settles with NY Attorney General, Will Disclose More on Climate – But Not Much
Peabody Energy settled a multi-year investigation by the New York state attorney general’s office last night, agreeing to make more truthful disclosures to investors about climate change-related risks to its coal mining operations. However the …

Peabody’s Five Point Plan for Getting the World to Adapt To Peabody
When a coal company chief executive officer offers a decarbonization plan, it means one of two things. One, he has finally seen the light, and realizes that coal is irremediably dirty. Or two, this is …

Energy Poverty and Coal “All Talk No Action” Australia Institute Report
Ahead of the G-20 meeting in Australia later this week, a new report by an Australian think-tank convincingly punctures coal industry claims that coal is an essential part of the solution to lack of access …

Not Walking the Walk: Obama’s BLM’s Funding Dirty Coal Exports, Propping Up World’s Worst Fuel
It’s been a crummy summer for the federal Bureau of Land Management. The bureau sells development leases to mining companies that want to scrape out coal deposits that lie under taxpayer-owned dirt on federal land. …

PR Industry Climate Change Survey
“I don’t believe we are obligated in any way to respond. There are only wrong answers for this guy.” That was the first response we got to our survey email, accidentally copied back to us …

Coal to World: Don’t Worry, We’ll Have A Position on Global Warming in a Few More Days
I got the idea for this inaugural column for Climate Investigations when the business publication SNL Financial queried a group of coal producers and other stakeholders for their positions on global warming. I hoped that in addition to the industry’s …

Peabody Coal Campaign Uses Solar Supporter as Pitch Man
Huffington Post just rolled out an investigation, based on our research, revealing that the gentleman Peabody Coal and Burson Marsteller recruited as a spokesperson for their new Advanced Energy for Life campaign, pitching coal, has a day job …

Global Warming Power Plant Pollution Blankets the U.S. – EPA Clean Power Plan (VIDEO)
The Obama Administration EPA today issued a landmark proposal to cut global warming pollution from old coal power plants, dubbed the Clean Power Plan. Operating under the authority EPA has under the Clean Air Act, …

CIC Briefing: Craig Idso Heartland Institute NIPCC Climate Denial
Background briefing, April 2014 Craig Idso: “Climate change is good for you” This week the Heartland Institute will release another chapter of its NIPCC, the “not the IPCC” document that will tell you the opposite …