Tag: Kyoto Protocol


Climate Lawsuits in Baltimore and Rhode Island & New Climate Files Documents

Since Climate Investigation Center’s last climate liability update there have been multiple developments, some favorable to plaintiffs, others less so. As the legal battles progress, CIC continues to uncover and curate primary documents on its Climate

Shell climate change

Internal Shell Climate Documents Revealed

Newly uncovered internal documents from Royal Dutch Shell/Shell Group provide new insights into what they knew about climate change and when they knew it. Documents unearthed by Jelmer Mommers of De Correspondent were published today on Climate

Climate Change, Climate Files

Top Ten Documents Every Reporter Covering ExxonMobil Should Know

If you are a reporter covering ExxonMobil and the unfolding #ExxonKnew investigations underway in several states, the story can get very complex.  Exxon is claiming it did nothing wrong.  Exxon’s paid accomplices are martyring themselves

BP Leaves ALEC, Shades of Global Climate Coalition Defections

In what could be a throwback to the 1990s, the National Journal just broke that British Petroleum (BP) has quit the American Legislative Exchange Council today, saying ALEC membership was not needed to pursue its interests.