Tag: EPA

This is Your Planet on Heartland Institute Drugs
Jay Lehr, one of Heartland Institute’s looser cannons, and there are a lot of loose cannons on this reckless pirate ship… Lehr laid out his vision for stopping “global warming insanity” at today’s Heartland Institute …

Global Warming Power Plant Pollution Blankets the U.S. – EPA Clean Power Plan (VIDEO)
The Obama Administration EPA today issued a landmark proposal to cut global warming pollution from old coal power plants, dubbed the Clean Power Plan. Operating under the authority EPA has under the Clean Air Act, …

CIC Briefing: Craig Idso Heartland Institute NIPCC Climate Denial
Background briefing, April 2014 Craig Idso: “Climate change is good for you” This week the Heartland Institute will release another chapter of its NIPCC, the “not the IPCC” document that will tell you the opposite …

Peabody Coal & Burson-Marsteller Push “Clean Coal” Electricity to Save the Poor
Kate Sheppard at Huffington Post just posted a piece on our investigation of Peabody Coal’s new PR campaign. Here are some excerpts and additions from what we have learned so far about the Peabody campaign. World’s …

ALEC Hates the Climate
ALEC’s Long War on Climate Science and Climate Policy American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) has long attacked climate science and climate policy. The most recent skirmish surrounds greenhouse gas rules being drafted by the EPA. …

ALEC and Exxon: A Long Legacy of Climate Backlash
In this piece we examine the long history of attacks on climate and renewable energy policy at the state level and specifically examine Exxon’s ongoing financial ties to ALEC and the return on that investment. ExxonMobil …