Tag: Donors Trust

Spiders defend their Web Of Denial – to the tune of at least $92m
As Democrat Senators spent their second day this week outlining the cash funneled to front groups in the fossil fuel-funded climate Web of Denial, predictably, some of the spiders started crawling out of that web. …

Willie Soon Scandal: Corporate Funding Year By Year
People keep asking how much Soon got from each of his corporate funders year by year, and why some places it says $1.2 million total and others $1.5M… The total funding since 2001 that we …

Willie Soon Scandal: Markey, Whitehouse, Boxer Letter to 100 Companies, Industry Groups
The new Telsa (electric car) has an acceleration setting called INSANE MODE…literally. The car goes from 0 to 60mph in 3.2 seconds… That’s what three Senators just did to accelerate the Willie Soon scandal. …

Willie Soon Harvard Smithsonian Documents Reveal Southern Company Scandal
All the Willie Soon documents are organized and attached below. This post will be updated as this investigation proceeds… Just wanted to get something up tonight…and since the stories were supposed to be embargoed for …

Willie Soon Fails Conflict of Interest Test in Science Bulletin Article
Dr. Willie Soon, an astrophysicist, is an employee of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (which has little to do with Harvard except it’s location, but that’s another story…) Dr. Soon raises money for his research, like many …