Tag: Coal

American Electric Power

American Electric Power says “We don’t agree with or share every position” of ACCCE, yet remains a member of the coal lobby group

The Conesville Power Plant in Conesville, Ohio, is operated by American Electric Power and burns about 12,000 tons of coal a day. That’s enough coal to fill 120 box cars.  ALLY MAROTTI / WOSU American

Alabama Power: No Public Oversight, No Plan, No Relief in Sight

What happens when a politically powerful utility is allowed to spend its customers’ money without any public accountability for over thirty years? In Alabama, billions went to upgrade coal-fired power plants that are approaching –

Energy Poverty and Coal “All Talk No Action” Australia Institute Report

Ahead of the G-20 meeting in Australia later this week, a new report by an Australian think-tank convincingly punctures coal industry claims that coal is an essential part of the solution to lack of access

Not Walking the Walk: Obama’s BLM’s Funding Dirty Coal Exports, Propping Up World’s Worst Fuel

It’s been a crummy summer for the federal Bureau of Land Management. The bureau sells development leases to mining companies that want to scrape out coal deposits that lie under taxpayer-owned dirt on federal land.

Global Warming Power Plant Pollution Blankets the U.S. – EPA Clean Power Plan (VIDEO)

The Obama Administration EPA today issued a landmark proposal to cut global warming pollution from old coal power plants, dubbed the Clean Power Plan.    Operating under the authority EPA has under the Clean Air Act,