Tag: Cloud Peak Energy

Willie Soon Scandal: Markey, Whitehouse, Boxer Letter to 100 Companies, Industry Groups
The new Telsa (electric car) has an acceleration setting called INSANE MODE…literally. The car goes from 0 to 60mph in 3.2 seconds… That’s what three Senators just did to accelerate the Willie Soon scandal. …

Not Walking the Walk: Obama’s BLM’s Funding Dirty Coal Exports, Propping Up World’s Worst Fuel
It’s been a crummy summer for the federal Bureau of Land Management. The bureau sells development leases to mining companies that want to scrape out coal deposits that lie under taxpayer-owned dirt on federal land. …

Coal to World: Don’t Worry, We’ll Have A Position on Global Warming in a Few More Days
I got the idea for this inaugural column for Climate Investigations when the business publication SNL Financial queried a group of coal producers and other stakeholders for their positions on global warming. I hoped that in addition to the industry’s …