Climate Denial
The National Center for Public Policy Research has promoted false claims aimed at denying the science of global warming for decades. They have supported skeptics like Tam Ball, author of the book The Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science, calling him a “thorn-in-the-side of dishonest scientists everywhere”. In his book, Ball writes, “the entire exercise of global warming and climate change is a deception.”
In 2014, the National Center for Public Policy Research published a report by Amy Ridenour titled “Top Ten Reasons Washington Should Not Impose New Global Warming Laws or Regulations.” Just some of those reasons include:
- “The Earth hasn’t warmed since the Clinton Administration;
- New global warming laws and regulations harm people, and harm lower-income and minorities disproportionately;
- U.S. energy-related CO2 emissions already fell 12.6 percent between 2005 and 2012, while worldwide emissions went up 17.7 percent during the same period;
- The climate models upon which President Obama’s belief in human-caused catastrophic global warming is based do not work – since 1979, over 96 percent of climate models predicted more warming by now than has taken place;
- Claims that 97 percent of scientists endorse the global warming theory are propaganda.”
Cooler Heads Coalition
The National Center for Public Policy Research was a member of Cooler Heads Coalition (CHC), an informal group of climate denying organizations, from 1998-2007. An investigation by CIC as shown that from 1997-2015 the combined grants from ExxonMobil to CHC members top 11 million dollars. Since its inception, the organization has used a variety of tactics to distort public opinion on climate change and influence decision making in Washington. For decades the coalition has authored bias reports, held briefings on Capital Hill, and released weekly newsletters attacking “climate change alarmists”. Originally founded by Consumer Alert, the coalition and its website is now funded by the Competitive Enterprise Institute. Myron Ebell, former head of Trump’s EPA transition team and CEI’s director of the Center for Energy and Environment, is the chair of the CHC.
Funding from ExxonMobil
The National Center for Public Policy Research received $445,000 from ExxonMobil between 1997-2008. Of that total, $45,000 were grants earmarked for climate change programs specifically.
2003 Exxon Climate Grants
2001 Exxon Climate Grants
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The National Center for Public Policy Research Updates

Competitive Enterprise Institute NYT Ad Signatories Got $10 Million from Exxon
This week, the Competitive Enterprise Institute ran a full page ad in the New York Times complaining that the undersigned groups were being attacked in the course of several state investigations into Exxon’s campaign of climate denial. Not wanting to give the CEI broadcast any oxygen, but what really caught our eye is the list …