At the Climate Investigations Center, our research illuminates the individuals, corporations, trade associations, political organizations and front groups working to delay the implementation of sound environmental policy in the face of ongoing climate crisis.
Below you will find quick summaries of some of our ongoing investigations. For more information, please see the included links or contact us directly.
Cooler Heads Coalition

Website logo for the Cooler Heads Coalition
The Cooler Heads Coalition website, paid for and run by the Competitive Enterprise Institute, is an echo chamber for climate denying organizations to promote fringe ideas on climate science. The website’s weekly news letters and blogs, provide a space to lambast environmental legislation and publicize “scientists” who question man made climate change. Our investigation has surfaced hundreds of past articles and reports published by the Cooler Heads Coalition and its members.
Analysis by CIC shows that, from 1997-2015, members of the Cooler Heads Coalition have received upwards of $98 million dollars in donations from Exxon Mobil, conservative foundations, and dark money organizations. Accounting for when members joined and left the coalition, CIC researchers have created a timeline of grants received by members while part of the coalition.
See more of our research on our Cooler Heads Coalition profile.
Anti Environmental Archives
The Anti-Environmental Archives, now live on, is a unique archive that reveals the plotting and scheming by industry and industry-funded think tanks and coalitions against a range of environmental issues of the time – from global warming to ozone depletion, spotted owls, national parks – and the environmentalists fighting for regulation.
The 27,000+ page, text-searchable archive documents more than 300 groups in 3500 documents. The documents themselves are mounted on the great DocumentCloud platform built for journalists with a grant from the Knight Foundation in 2009 and now run by the organization, Investigative Reporters and Editors.
Read more about the launch of the Anti-Environmental Archives.