Climate Denial
The Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT) has been a member of Cooler Heads Coalition (CHC), the longest running association of climate change denying organizations, since 1998.
Exxon Funding
CFACT received $587,000 in grants from ExxonMobil from 1997-2007. Of that total, $180,000 were labeled explicitly as grants for climate change related activities.
2005 Exxon Climate Grants
2004 Exxon Climate Grants
2003 Exxon Climate Grants
Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow News

Exxon and Koch Funded Deniers Who Pushed Trump to Exit Paris Climate Agreement
The Money Behind Paris Agreement Opposition On May 8th, 2017, forty four climate denying “free market” anti-government organizations wrote a letter to President Trump urging him to pull the United States out of the Paris climate agreement, which he did three weeks later on June 1st. On September 5th, 2017, Robert O’Harrow Jr. of the …

Competitive Enterprise Institute NYT Ad Signatories Got $10 Million from Exxon
This week, the Competitive Enterprise Institute ran a full page ad in the New York Times complaining that the undersigned groups were being attacked in the course of several state investigations into Exxon’s campaign of climate denial. Not wanting to give the CEI broadcast any oxygen, but what really caught our eye is the list …

It’s not just what #ExxonKnew, it’s what #ExxonDid next
In the wake of Inside Climate News and the Columbia University/LA Times investigations into ExxonMobil’s history on climate science, the company has been terribly busy telling the world that it stands by its scientific work. In a classic example of Public Relations 101, ExxonMobil’s lead spokes, Ken Cohen, has been huffing and puffing and standing up …