Tag: ExxonMobil
CIC Briefing: Craig Idso Heartland Institute NIPCC Climate Denial
Background briefing, April 2014 Craig Idso: “Climate change is good for you” This week the Heartland Institute will release another chapter of its NIPCC, the “not the IPCC” document that will tell you the opposite …
Is America an Energy Superpower or Energy Colony?
This week the Hill hosted several hearings organized to push for “energy exports” as a geopolitical weapon. We see this as the oil industry using the crisis in Ukraine and Crimea to get what they …
Does Exxon Love Putin More Than U.S.?
In the context of the growing conflict in the Ukraine and Crimea, this investigation and briefing looks at the long relationship between ExxonMobil and Russia. We question ExxonMobil’s allegiance to the United States amid the …
ALEC Hates the Climate
ALEC’s Long War on Climate Science and Climate Policy American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) has long attacked climate science and climate policy. The most recent skirmish surrounds greenhouse gas rules being drafted by the EPA. …
ALEC and Exxon: A Long Legacy of Climate Backlash
In this piece we examine the long history of attacks on climate and renewable energy policy at the state level and specifically examine Exxon’s ongoing financial ties to ALEC and the return on that investment. ExxonMobil …