Political topics related to climate change, the environment, or energy issues.
Category: Politics

Department of Interior Opens Atlantic Coast to Oil Exploration, Politicians Open Wallets to Donations
The U.S. Department of Interior’s Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) announced on Friday, July 18, that it would begin considering applications for permits to conduct geological testing for oil-and-gas (O&G) reserves in federal waters …

Does Exxon Love Putin More Than U.S.?
In the context of the growing conflict in the Ukraine and Crimea, this investigation and briefing looks at the long relationship between ExxonMobil and Russia. We question ExxonMobil’s allegiance to the United States amid the …

Secretary of State John Kerry Calls Out Climate Deniers
Secretary of State John Kerry gave a pretty strong speech (full text below) in Indonesia last week, a call to arms on climate change. His remarks have drawn fire from Pat Robertson and Newt Gingrich, …