Category: Energy

Former Energy Secretary Moniz, Guru of Kemper “Clean Coal” Debacle, Joins Board of Spendthrift, Climate-Denying Southern Company He Oversaw
Ernest Moniz, an enthusiastic booster of Southern Company’s Kemper “clean coal” power plant on which his Department of Energy spent almost a half billion dollars only to see it abandoned when the technology failed to …

Will Virginia Governor-elect Ralph Northam accept Dominion money for inaugural committee?
In the coming weeks, Dominion Energy will almost certainly try to deliver a $50,000 check to Governor-elect Northam for his inaugural committee. In Virginia politics this is routine–since 1998 Dominion has contributed over $225,000 to …

CIC Demands Energy Chief Perry’s Travel Records– and Moniz’s with Southern CEO Fanning
In his October 12th congressional testimony about why he cost U.S. taxpayers some $56,000 for travel on non-commercial aircraft, Secretary of Energy Rick Perry suggested that his predecessor, Ernest Moniz, had done essentially the same …

Washington Post: Exxon, Koch, and Big Coal Cash Begat Trump Climate Denial
Q: What does spending tens of millions of dollars supporting climate denial organizations over a twenty year period buy you? A: Donald Trump, abdication of U.S. leadership on climate and increased risk of damage from …

Despite Huge Losses and Its own Bungling, Southern Company Wants to Complete Vogtle Plant
With Southern Company’s board voting today to green light the completion of the Vogtle nuclear power plant, the prospect that Georgia utility customers may be on the hook for many billions for a plant that …

Clean Coal Officially Dead in Mississippi as Southern Company Battered by Kemper Fall-Out
Clean coal officially died in Mississippi today as state regulators voted unanimously to issue an official order denying further money for the Kemper coal plant and beginning a settlement process with its builder, Southern Company. …

Mississippi Regulators Veto Any More Money for Southern Company’s Kemper Plant in Stunning Vote
In a historic vote this morning, Mississippi state regulators slammed the brakes on the Kemper coal power plant, saying they will refuse to ask utility customers to pay anything for Kemper’s non-functional multi-billion dollar “clean …

Bombshell Votes at Southern Company Annual Meeting for Cleaner Energy, Against CEO Fanning
Southern Company shareholders cast a substantial vote of no confidence in chief executive officer Tom Fanning at the annual shareholders’ meeting near Atlanta May 24th, while almost half the company’s shares were cast in favor …

As Time Runs Out for Southern Company, a Brain Drain Begins at Kemper
With builder Southern Company still promising that the Kemper power plant will go online soon, a group of key engineers and managers who work on the plant’s so-far-inoperable gasifier has left the company.