Category: Oil, Gas, Coal

Carbon Capture: Expensive Pipe Dream or “Holy Grail”?
Today, carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) technology is touted by proponents as a way to continue burning fossil fuels in a carbon constrained economy. However, two recent reports bring into question the feasibility of CCS …

Climate Lawsuits in Baltimore and Rhode Island & New Climate Files Documents
Since Climate Investigation Center’s last climate liability update there have been multiple developments, some favorable to plaintiffs, others less so. As the legal battles progress, CIC continues to uncover and curate primary documents on its Climate …

Climate Files Update: Shell, Exxon, and Early Denial
Document Updates As climate change impacts grow more serious everyday, documents housed on Climate Files preserve the crucial history of who knew what, when they knew it, and what they did next. Recently released documents …

Pennsylvania Regulators OK Leaky 80-year-old Mariner East 1 Pipeline, Set Conditions for Restart of Mariner East II
In a split decision today, Pennsylvania state regulators allowed the aging Mariner East 1 pipeline to resume transporting highly explosive natural gas liquids, but continued an emergency shut-down of work on a section of a …

Climate Lawsuits: Depose Lee Raymond and Rex Tillerson
As we have been saying…lots of climate lawsuits are landing in State and Federal courts nationwide. As these suits move forward, there is a short list of people who ought to be deposed first. Former …

Former Energy Secretary Moniz, Guru of Kemper “Clean Coal” Debacle, Joins Board of Spendthrift, Climate-Denying Southern Company He Oversaw
Ernest Moniz, an enthusiastic booster of Southern Company’s Kemper “clean coal” power plant on which his Department of Energy spent almost a half billion dollars only to see it abandoned when the technology failed to …

CIC Demands Energy Chief Perry’s Travel Records– and Moniz’s with Southern CEO Fanning
In his October 12th congressional testimony about why he cost U.S. taxpayers some $56,000 for travel on non-commercial aircraft, Secretary of Energy Rick Perry suggested that his predecessor, Ernest Moniz, had done essentially the same …

Washington Post: Exxon, Koch, and Big Coal Cash Begat Trump Climate Denial
Q: What does spending tens of millions of dollars supporting climate denial organizations over a twenty year period buy you? A: Donald Trump, abdication of U.S. leadership on climate and increased risk of damage from …

Clean Coal Officially Dead in Mississippi as Southern Company Battered by Kemper Fall-Out
Clean coal officially died in Mississippi today as state regulators voted unanimously to issue an official order denying further money for the Kemper coal plant and beginning a settlement process with its builder, Southern Company. …